The whole movie is about an art professor; Katherine Watson begins her teaching career at the all-female Wellesley College. In 1953, a time when women's roles were rigidly defined, free-spirited, novice art history professor Katherine Watson begins teaching at the... Besides getting good grades in this college, the girls in this school also being prepared to be a full time housewife. But, Katherine has different view about the role of woman and she tried her best to encourage these women to strive for a more enlightened future, to be what they want to be. For me, the movie is kind of boring, because the movie is all about feminism. The main character, Professor Katherine, she is a strong woman where she believes in everything that she did and she do what she wants to do, ignoring others view or opinion. She tried her best to make her students think creatively and critically by teaching them something out the curriculum syllabus. This is because most of the students have memorized the text and she has to think the other ways to make sure that her students did learn something from her. Moreover, she encouraged her student to be what they want to be, follow their dreams and not just to be prepared to be a housewife.
I think that this movie did help me realize that teacher should be the one who encourage students not demotivated the students by giving them low marks and bad feedback or remarks. This is because, we teacher is seen as a role model and thus the students respect us. By giving them good feedback, praise or just a little tiny present, we will be able to boost the students’ self-confidence. Do remember we are preparing the students to learn and to cope with loads of problems that they are going to face in the future, not just getting straight A’s in examination. If I am gonna relates Professor Katherine to my school teacher, I think “Mr Lee” my Kemahiran Hidup teacher will suits the characteristics the best. This is because; he makes us learn how to do all the things in the curriculum, not just the theories. He talks to us, not giving orders. He discusses the problem that we faced in our studies with us, not ignoring us. He also let us enjoy the time we have to complete the project, guiding us, and giving us good grades on our project that we have done. His motto was, “Learning is a way to grow up”, so I think he did made his point as we did learn something from the subject itself, not just memorizing the theories and facts.
Lessons that I have learnt is taking responsibility. As the saying goes, remember “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” - Adams, Henry Brooks. So, the responsibility of a teacher is great and it is not an easy job to uphold it. So, for future teachers, do try our best to make our students a lively student not a memorizing machine.